Activity Screen Rotation/Orientation

by 1:11 AM 0 comments
I was working on an app that I didn't want the activity page to rotate horizontally even if the user flips his/her phone around. So this is the code and steps I used to stop the screen from rotating/changing its orientation, however you want to call it :

1. Open AndroidManifest.xml
2. Inside AndroidManifest.xml find the activity of the screen that you don't want to rotate even if the user flips the phone:



3. Add this line ->   android:screenOrientation="portrait"




Android Developer at Appsix LLC

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Currently reading: The pragmatic programmer, and The C programming language.
Currently working: an android app, and on a web project with laravel.
Im a 9gag enthusiast.
I write code at work and at home for fun or out of pure boredom.
Programming Languages that I've worked with: Java PHP C# PLSQL JavaScript
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